Festis Päron Popcorn
300 mL bottle 2.76 g sugar / oz.
Review Oops, I didn't read the label on this closely enough. Turns out this drink is not carbonated, but the unusual flavor combination intrigued me so I'll review it anyway even if its not a "sparkling temperance drink". Hmm. The smell of artificial popcorn is not too convincing. Ergg. The flavor is sweet and gooey like pear juice, and then the butter flavor of the popcorn follows. Bleah! The popcorn is more like buttered cardboard. The pear flavor is more powerful of the two, which shows how light the flavors of this drink are. If you sip it fast enough you can forget the fake popcorn is there.
Ingredients Vatten, socker, päronjuice (5%) från koncentrat, arom, syra (citronsyra), konserveringsmedel (kaliumsorbat), tistel- och citronkoncentrat. Water, sugar, pear juice (5%) from concentrate, aroma, acid (citric acid), preservative (potassium sorbate), thistle and lemon concentrate. Made by Carlsberg Sverige |
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