Delicious Sparkling Temperance Drinks

Golden King Black Bean Drink


Golden King Bean

240 mL can

1.25 g sugar / oz.


Hmm. This smells... like beans! It smells exactly like a bag of dried beans.

The flavor is starchy & sugary. Not bad really. Its sort of like an oatmeal shake, its chocolatey and thick, but creamy and full in a bland starchy way, not rich like real chocolate.

Other than the stale beans smell this isn't a bad drink. But its kind of plain and getting boring after the first few gulps. That's enough for me of this one.

fizz 0

refreshment 3

score 2

sweetness 3

flavor 4


Water, black bean, cane sugar.

Made by

King Lucky Food Ind. Corp
2Fl. No. 5 Lane 1, Sec 1, Nanking East Road
Taipei, Taiwan