333 mL bottle 2.93 g sugar / oz. |
History Mixed cola-citrus sodas have been popular in Germany since Riegele brewery trademarked the Spezi in 1957. Mischmasch adds lemon to the cola-orange soda mix. Review The color is an unappealing greenish-grayish opaque brown. Maybe that's the point of this orange-lemonade-cola, to be a bit ugly? It's a mish-mash mix of all three of those soda types so the color ends up muddled as well. A sweet citrus flavor with a slight cola bitterness to it. Not a very deep or complex flavor. The sweetness and generic citric acid lemon flavor don't make it very distinctive. Its okay, but doesn't have a unique flavor I'd want to try again.
Ingredients Wasser, Zucker, Orangensaft (4,5%), Zitronensaft (3%), Kohlensäure, Mandarinensaft (0,5%), Zitronen- und Orangenextrakt, Farbstoffe Ammonsulfit-Zuckerkulör und Carotin, natürliches Aroma, Aroma Koffein, Stabilisator Johannisbrotkernmehl. Water, sugar, orange juice (4.5%), lemon juice (3%), carbon dioxide, tangerine juice (0.5%), lemon and orange extract, caramel color, carotene, natural flavor, caffeine, stabilizer: locust bean gum. Made by Fritz-Kulturgüter GmbH |
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