Delicious Sparkling Temperance Drinks

Niğde Gazozu


Niğde Gazozu

250 mL bottle

1.13 g sugar / oz.



Whoa! I was expecting a lemon-lime citrus type soda from the color, but instead it has a fake banana, or circus peanut candy smell! Perhaps more like cotton candy. The flavor is hardly there though. Just sugar.

The flavor is all in the smell, not in the taste. It is enjoyable though. Light and bubbly and sweet, but not too exciting or interesting as a drink. This is almost like a bubbly mineral water with sugar added.

fizz 3

refreshment 3

score 2

sweetness 3

flavor 1


Su, şeker, karbondioksit, frambuaz aroması, asitlik düzenleyici (E330), koruyucu (E211)

Water, sugar, carbon dioxide, raspberry flavor, acidity regulator (E330), preservative (E211).

Made by

Niğde Meşrubat ve Gıda San. Tic. Ltd.Şti.
Fertek, 6. Cd.