Delicious Sparkling Temperance Drinks

Ciclón Energy Drink


Carabao Energy

250 mL can


Ciclón was developed by Alfred Rothensteiner in 1996 in Austria (home of many energy drinks), but aimed at the Latin American market.


A sour energy drink squeaky with sweet sugar and sour citric acid. Hard to tell how this beverage is any different from other energy drinks. It doesn't have a very distinctive flavor. It's not bad, but not very interesting either.

I'm glad its not gritty like the worst energy drinks, and the taste is decent. The sweet and sour flavor is like a combination of artificial apple juice and artificial lemonade.

fizz 3

refreshment 3

score 2

sweetness 4

flavor 3


Agua, azúcar, dextrose, ácido carbónico, ácido cítrico, glucuronolactona, cafeína, extracto de cártamo, inositol, color caramelo, pantoteneto de calcio y biotina.

Water, sugar, dextrose, carbonic acid, citric acid, glucuronolactone, caffeine, safflower extract, inositol, caramel color, pantoteneto calcium and biotin.

Made by

Ciclon Getränkeproduktion GmbH
Großmarktstraße 7, 1230