Delicious Sparkling Temperance Drinks

Tome Mas Manzana


Tome Mas Manzana

355 mL bottle

3.31 g sugar / oz.



Smells very juicy like super apple juice. Well, the taste isn't able to deliver on the promise of the smell.

Its not bad, but very artificially gooey sweet. This is a liquid candy. It tastes like Jolly Ranchers candy. Well, the carbonation helps improve the flavor.

fizz 3

refreshment 3

score 3

sweetness 4

flavor 3


Agua carbonatada, azúcar, colorante rojo #40 y amarillo #6, benzoato de sodio, acido cítrico y esencia de manzana, bebida gaseosa.

Carbonated water, sugar, red and yellow dye # 40 # 6, sodium benzoate, citric acid and apple essence.

Made by

Ecuatoriana de Refrescos S.A.
Ecurefsa km 9.5 Via Duale
Guayaquil 211142